Sunday, December 6, 2009

Laying Speaker Cables in HT and Master

Posted by Haywire

Wanted to make my HT room and Master ready for surround sound. Laid the speaker cables in the frame first before the plasterboard comes in. Makes it a lot harder to install the wires after that because of the insulation in the frame later on.

Up I went pulling the cables to the ceiling from the points.

Master bedroom - surround sound ready. Just not sure if I'm going to go ahead to use it!

HT Room. 7.1 surround ready. But likely to just stick with 5.1... ain't big enough!!!

Piggy backing the same bored hole with other services.

Rear and centre speaker cables laid.

Rear cables

If you can spot a red curled up wire, that's my $280 10m HDMI cable! I was worried it'll be stolen by the tradies! (But price-wise, I think I got ripped off, although I was already given a $100 discount!)

That's the red HDMI cable there.

Yeap! That's the one.

Started off with a 100m roll of cable and by the time I was done, they were all gone!


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